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Category: Ace Cafe

  1. Auto Photo Awards 2024 - Ace Cafe

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    This year, 2024, the Ace celebrates the 30th anniversary of the first Ace Cafe Reunion in 1994 and, being aware of the many great photographers amongst the cafe's patrons, we’re pleased to introduce you to AUTO PHOTO Awards, a celebration of automotive photography. The 2024 Awards are open for submissions now, with variety and diversity of images encouraged.
    With five categories - Innovation, Cars as Art, Motorsport, Scenes and Stylings, and Car Culture – there’s opportunity and inspiration for everyone, and aside from the individual category and partner awards, there will be an exhibition of the winning and highly commended photographs, and a photo book of the top 100 images, produced by Shutter Hub Editions.
    The deadline for entries is 5th September 2024
    Find out more and enter online at auto photo awards 
    Listen, revel and be immersed in a mix of the best rock and roll and rockabilly, blended with the London sub-culture sounds, broadcasting 24/7 on online radio and social media.
       See you at the Ace !


  2. Mods n' Rockers Brighton

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    As part of the Brighton Festival all are welcome to celebrate the Mods n’ Rockers and the “Battle of Brighton” from noon on Saturday 18th May.

    Sixty years on from the same date in 1964, and as part of the weekly Homeless Street kitchen, Mods & Rockers will shake hands and join together to serve up food and supplies to the most vulnerable in Brighton.

    With live stage that includes comedian/presenter Adrian Doughty and Amy Winehouse Tribute, Sussex Homeless Support, South Coast Mods, Mods-aid & Ace Cafe London invite you to join us for this free event at Richmond Place, near St Peters Church at the heart of Brighton BN1 4GU
    See links:

     Listen, revel and be immersed in a mix of the best rock and roll and rockabilly, blended with the London sub-culture sounds, broadcasting 24/7 on online radio and social media.

    See you at The Ace 

  3. EV Owners Meet

    Posted on

    Saturday 18th May
    9am – 5pm
    Ace Cafe London celebrates electric motive power from 9am to 5pm on Saturday 18th May 2023, hosting the cafes annual Electric Vehicle Owners Meet.

    Dating from 1827 when Hungarian priest Ányos Jedlik built the first viable electric motor,  the folowing year he used it to power a small car and, at the Stanley Cycle Show in 1896 in London, England, bicycle manufacturer Humber exhibited an electric tandem bicycle.

    In 1897, electric cars first found commercial use as taxis in Britain and in the United States. In London, Walter Bersey's electric cabs were the first self-propelled vehicles for hire at a time when cabs were horse-drawn.

     The electric vehicle fleet peaked at approximately 30,000 vehicles at the turn of the 20th century  including the iconic British milk float.  For most of the 20th century, the UK was the world's largest user of electric road vehicles.
    EV riders/drivers may wish to note that there is a Charge Point at the Ace
    See the Zap Map link:
    See you at The Ace 

    Listen, revel and be immersed in a mix of the best rock and roll and rockabilly, blended with the London sub-culture sounds, broadcasting 24/7 on online radio and social media.


  4. BMW Bike day - Treffen Special

    Posted on

    Sunday 12th May
    9am – 5pm
    Ace Cafe London’s annual BMW Bike “Treffen Special” Day, Sunday 12th May 2024, celebrates all that is BMW Motorrad 101 years on since first having produced motorcycles since 1923.

    With a long history of racing success ( including at WSB and  the IoM TT ), the long heritage includes the two-valve and four-valve shaft drive boxer “twins”, the singles and their chains, the parallel twins, from the R80GS “Air head” and “Para levers”, to “Oil heads”, the F’s,  HP4’s, 1000RR’s, RnineT’s, and the latest R1250GS’s and R18 boxers.

    Along with other models from the extensive BMW array, all are to be celebrated and enjoyed at the Ace.

    See Michael Dunlop set a “fast way round” lap record of 133.393MPH at IoM TT on 4.6.16 riding the RST BMW Superbike:

    From “classics” to “carbon”, “Make Life A Ride” and show and share yours!

    See you at The Ace 

    Listen, revel and be immersed in a mix of the best rock and roll and rockabilly, blended with the London sub-culture sounds, broadcasting 24/7 on online radio and social media.