Biker Friendly Meeting Places information
We have very popular sections on the website for Biker Friendly Meeting Places, cafes, bars, regular Motorcycle meets, hangouts and general gatherings throughout the UK. See section here: |
The list is mainly put together from visitor recommendations as we encourage visitor feedback. However with over 500 places included we do ask the owners* of such a place to send us their own information to clarify and so that we include correct information. |
We are also aware that while a place MAY be Biker Friendly, they may not want to promote themselves as being this way, so we ask owners to clarify before they are included. |
We strive to check listings at least yearly for any updates, closures or change of business, however we have now put together a simple form from which any such place can check their own information and/or send us through updates**, new information and places, along with giving you the opportunity to take out extra advertising to promote your business to this large and loyal audience. |
Send us your information here... |
All questions marked with a * must be answered. We include a code at the bottom to avoid spam, however if you cannot read it simply refresh the code until you can!
We have free* and paid for listings** within these sections. If you wish to include your business onto the website with a photograph and more details than just the line entry and where it will sit at the top of the section, just fill in the form below ticking the relevant advertising options and we will prepare the listing for you and then get you live.
* Due to the large amount of places we include on THE BIKER GUIDE and as inclusion is predominately free, we need the owners of places to confim the information we have is correct, by simply sending their information (name, address and bike night related) via the form for inclusion, where you can confirm you are the owner.
** Is you wish to include information other than the name, address and bike night details (such as what you have on the menu, opening times... ), then you will need to take a paid for listing, which will sit towards the top of the section.
Advertising Terms & Conditions - For a photo listing**
Some companies will only include advertising listings when payment is received, however we are more trusting than that and hope our clients appriciate this. Payment terms are 14 days from when your advertisement is live or from when any printed advertising is agreeded.
Any nonpayments of any type of advert, agreed by yourself either by sending through a form or by agreement via the telephone, including listings, printed adverts, e-shots, links, etc, that have a fee attached, may be forwarded to a debt collecting agency if they remain unpaid and we reserve the right to refuse to deal with any such companies who we believe have or are wasting our valuable time and efforts.
Once we have an agreement to an any form of advert, with ourselves, that have a fee attached there is no option to cancel.
We pride ourselves on the work that we will do in preparing and researching for any client, whether that be on-line or in print. Once a client has agreed to any form of advertising we will prepare and secure your space, which sometimes means that we do not approach any other similar style of business to yourself and also that we turn down bookings as space in printed matter is filled by your adverts.
For this we have a strict 14 days payment terms of any advert being live or agreement of any printed advertisement.
If we have had dealing with a business prior, where payment has been delayed, we may then for any future bookings require pre-payment. In the case of non-payment we would refuse to work and include any mention of said business on the website, facebook or other.
When a premium listing and/or an e-shot is ticked and then is not paid for, we may charge late payment fees (under the Late Payment of Commercial Debts (Interest) Act 1998).
Moving forward if the invoice is not paid, we may at a later date begin legal action, without warning. The costs of any legal proceedings, along with interest incurred (under the Late Payment of Commercial Debts (Interest) Act 1998), will also be due, in addition to the debt.
During this process we may mark the listing/client/establishment as Not Paid/Account suspended, this does not mean the contract and/or invoice will be cancelled. We will continue to pursue payment, when the full amount is not paid within the payment terms.
In the very rare case this may happen, we would therefore have to presume that an establishment is in fact not Biker Friendly.
For the £20 vouchers as a prize
Due to the high level of Biker Friendly places included with us and due to the limited amount of competitions we can offer at any one time, we prioritise who we can indeed include as a competition starting with those who choose extra promoting with us such as the premium listing and/or the e-shot service.
Space within the competition pages is planned in advance and is offered to clients of THE BIKER GUIDE® in the 1st instance. For anyone who shows an interest (marked on the form) and would like to offer a voucher as a prize, if we can include you we will contact you prior to the competition launch.
We are constantly checking the information we have is correct and updated, which we are sure you can understand if very time consuming. If we find during these checks that we have had no contact from an owner ever or in the past 2 years, then the information may be removed.
To ensure your Biker Friendly cafe, pub and/or meeting place is included then please check what we have is correct and send updated information via the form - as above.
Thank you for choosing THE BIKER GUIDE® to promote your business
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