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Category: Events and Shows

  1. 5 Weeks Until the Manchester Bike Show 2017

    Posted on

    Your weekly update about the Manchester Bike Show, brought to you from the team at Instantfocus Ltd. 
    Big week of news this week with two signifcant updates.

    Introducing our Sponsors

    We are proud to announce Swinton Insurance as our headline sponsor for the Manchester Bike Show and hope that this is the start of a long and happy sponsorship arrangement. Swinton will be on stand 486 in the premium trade hall and their logo will be appearing on all our adverts and our website moving forward. As the name suggests Swinton Insurance started in this area of Manchester and they were keen to get involved in what is their “local show”.


    Our second piece of big news is that for the first time since 2012 Harley-Davidson will be represented at the show by Chester Harley. Their appearance on site 300 at this year’s Manchester Bike Show is a precursor to the company opening a new branch on the Chester Road in Manchester later in the year. So with regard to the manufacturers most of our flock are safely gathered in with the exception of BMW, but that is a different story and not one for today.

    Trade Exhibitors

    As I write it is the first day of the MCN Bike Show at ExCel we had a couple of trade bookings for Manchester from the floor of the show on build-up day. In total we have added 11 new trade exhibitors since last week, so in addition to Chester Harley-Davidson on site 300 we are pleased to welcome the following companies into the small business area; Discount Workwear on stand 548, Funny Heeds on stand 551, Soldiers off the Street on 553, Steve’s Tools on 593-598, Mal Dawson (The Woodman) on 584 & 585, Small World Motorcycle Tours on 583 and Atomic 56 Clothing on site 558.

    It seems that bookings in the more affordable area of the show are now starting to really gather pace, so much so that we have added more stands on the floorplan to cope with the demand. In zone 2 we are pleased to welcome on stand 311 who needless to say organise tours in South Africa plus Debbie’s Dream House on stand 322. All the large spaces in hall 4 have now been allocated and we have just a few smaller stands still available although two fewer as from yesterday when 1 JAC Ltd booked onto stands 433 & 434.


    There is not much to report on this front since last week but this is not unusual as the more organised clubs and individual entries have already booked some 600 or so display bikes into the show and we are just waiting for the less organised ones to contact us in a panic hoping we have some space left! We will be allocating the actual club stand numbers early next week so if you are a club coordinator please keep your eyes peeled on the exhibitor list on the show website.

    Advance tickets

    For the first time since we started the show in 2012 advanced tickets sales are running at more than double the previous year being 105% up on five weeks from doors opening in 2016.

    Manchester Bike Show 2017

  2. Great news for Roughley's Bike Show 2017

    Posted on

    Sky are now supporting the show and its three charity beneficiaries.

    Rick Hulse (Chairman of NABD) wrote to Jeremy Darroch, the CEO of Sky TV, on Wednesday and has received the email below.

    Dear Mr Hulse

    Thank you for your email of 15 February about Roughleys Bike Show which takes place close to the Sky Contact Centre in St Peter’s Square, Stockport over the August Bank Holiday.

    I was sorry to read about the challenges experienced in recent years securing a suitable location for this popular charity event and I apologise for the concern caused by Sky’s enquiries regarding support to find a suitable alternative venue.

    From your note it is clear that St Peter’s Square is the ideal location for Roughleys Bike Show, and Sky is pleased to support the event taking place there again this August. For context, I understand that our local management were concerned about the safety of Sky staff as fire evacuation points are compromised during the event, and were trying to find ways to stay open to support our customers. They were seeking to work with the Council and the organisers to explore alternative options.

    However, as you have said, it appears that the best solution is to hold the event where you have done so in the previous couple of years. Consequently, we will close the Sky Contact Centre in Stockport again this August Bank Holiday and Sky will make alternative arrangements to support our customers from other contact centres.

    Thank you also for making me aware of the impressive achievements of the NABD over the past 26 years, helping more than 11,000 people with disabilities to enjoy the freedom and independence of motorcycling. I understand that Roughleys Bike Show is also a long term contributor to the Rainbow Trust Children’s Charity and the Together Trust. I appreciate that the continuation of the excellent work by all three charities is reliant on donations, like those they receive from Roughleys Bike Show. As a gesture of Sky’s support of the event, and to say sorry for any inconvenience caused, we will be making a donation to the three charities of £1,500 each.

    Yours sincerely

    Jeremy Darroch


    Rick has written back to Mr Darroch to express the thanks of Roughley Bike Show and the NABD for his speedy and most positive intervention.
    He has asked that any petitions or protests in connection with this issue are brought to a halt, as this is a most amicable and pleasant result.

    Roughleys Bike Show 2017
  3. Roughley Bike Show has received a 'formal objection' from Sky

    Posted on

    After finally finding the perfect place to hold the popular August Bank Holiday Roughleys Bike Show, held in St Peter’s Square, Stockport for the last two years, there has been a complaint from Sky customer Contact Centre, which could force the organisers to move the event outside of area...

    It seems the main objections from Sky (whos' offices rear face St Peter’s Square) are that their Access and Evacuation routes are compromised, footpath blocked and the dedicated smoking area will be blocked and not usable. 

    As St Peter’s Square was redeveloped to encourage outdoor events in Stockport and for people to come into the town, stopping this major charity event will just have the adverse effect to this plan. 

    * At a Stockport council meeting, the objections were raised, where Councillor Sheila Bailey said: “It is only once a year and we have had various struggles finding a location. We have listened to Sky, but we do not think it is a reason to not hold an incredibly popular event that raises a huge amount for charity. Maybe Sky should join in and have a stall at the event, I very much hope Sky will get behind this. It is hard to find a location for the event, St Peter’s Square is ideal as it is big enough, doesn’t affect residential properties and is easy to get to.”

    Roughleys Bike Show has taken place in the town centre since 2000, raising up to £10,000 for worthy causes, including NABD, The Rainbow Trust Childrens Charity and The Together Trust. It started on Stockport Market Place, was forced to move to the former Quick Fit site on Wellington Road North in 2013, then Heaton Lane car park in 2015 (both now unavailable), until the event was held in 2015 in St Peter’s Square, Stockport.

    Prior to the 2015 event Greater Manchester Police expressed concerns associated with anti-social behaviour and requested evidence from the organisers showing how they would manage the event and control visitors and participants before they would agree not to object. This evidence was provided and the events held in 2015 and 2016 have been well managed and controlled.

    In 2015 and 2016 both Sky and Stockport Plaza, (both of which are adjacent to the square), expressed concerns regarding sound levels and requested evidence from the organisers to show how they would manage/mitigate the impact of this issue. In response to this the event organisers met with representatives from both Sky and Stockport Plaza and despite some remaining concerns, both organisations agreed not to object to the event.

    On the list of potential alternative locations is Whitebottom Farm (through Etherow Country Park), where it is stated "A different bikers event with music has previously been successfully held at this location. It might be possible for Roughley’s to consider combining with this event or simply run their own event at this site." 

    Following the creation and the £3 million+ public realm improvement scheme on St Peter’s Square, to bring vitality and footfall to this quite part of the town centre, it is surely wasted if events are then not allowed to go ahead, especially such a successful and popular charity event and so we hope that the council allow permission for Roughleys Bike Show 2017. 

    Roughleys Bike Show 2017

    Read more

    * 'Formal objection' from TV giant Sky seeks to switch off major Stockport charity event

    Stockport Council gets top marks for St Peter’s Square

    Update 17th February 2017
    Great news for Roughley's Bike Show 2017.
    Sky are now supporting the show and its three charity beneficiaries.

    Rick Hulse wrote to Jeremy Darroch, the CEO of Sky TV, on Wednesday and has received the email below.

    "Dear Mr Hulse,

    Thank you for your email of 15 February about Roughleys Bike Show which takes place close to the Sky Contact Centre in St Peter’s Square, Stockport over the August Bank Holiday.

    I was sorry to read about the challenges experienced in recent years securing a suitable location for this popular charity event and I apologise for the concern caused by Sky’s enquiries regarding support to find a suitable alternative venue.

    From your note it is clear that St Peter’s Square is the ideal location for Roughleys Bike Show, and Sky is pleased to support the event taking place there again this August. For context, I understand that our local management were concerned about the safety of Sky staff as fire evacuation points are compromised during the event, and were trying to find ways to stay open to support our customers. They were seeking to work with the Council and the organisers to explore alternative options.

    However, as you have said, it appears that the best solution is to hold the event where you have done so in the previous couple of years. Consequently, we will close the Sky Contact Centre in Stockport again this August Bank Holiday and Sky will make alternative arrangements to support our customers from other contact centres.

    Thank you also for making me aware of the impressive achievements of the NABD over the past 26 years, helping more than 11,000 people with disabilities to enjoy the freedom and independence of motorcycling. I understand that Roughleys Bike Show is also a long term contributor to the Rainbow Trust Children’s Charity and the Together Trust. I appreciate that the continuation of the excellent work by all three charities is reliant on donations, like those they receive from Roughleys Bike Show. As a gesture of Sky’s support of the event, and to say sorry for any inconvenience caused, we will be making a donation to the three charities of £1,500 each.

    Yours sincerely,

    Jeremy Darroch"

    Rick has written back to Mr Darroch to express the thanks of Roughley Bike Show and the NABD for his speedy and most positive intervention.
    He has asked that any petitions or protests in connection with this issue are brought to a halt, as this is a most amicable and pleasant result.
  4. 6 Weeks Until the Manchester Bike Show 2017

    Posted on

    Your weekly update about the Manchester Bike Show, brought to you from the team at Instantfocus Ltd...

    Steve "Stunt Man" Colley  Steve Stunt Man Colley

    Steve was a big hit when he was with us at our very first Manchester Bike Show at EventCity in 2012. Our policy has always been to rotate the stunt displays each year to keep this part of the event fresh but Steve was so good when we used him for the first show we thought it was time to bring him over from the Isle of Man for a return visit. The last time we spoke Steve was talking about winding down although when I contacted him recently he was doing a series of shows in France so it looks like his idea of winding down is going about as well as mine.

    Les Clayton

    Our man with the microphone, Les Clayton is just back from 6 weeks in New Zealand and will be bringing together the events on the main stage which will be situated in the catering area at the top of Hall 3.

    Advance tickets

    Advance tickets continue to sell incredibly well, and are holding steady at 95% up on the same time last year, so we are confident of a record attendance at this year’s event.

    Exhibitors List

    The exhibitors list is now up on the website and shows 46 clubs who have already confirmed their stands bringing 575 display bikes, along with 35 private entries and exactly 100 trade exhibitors.


    This week we have welcomed the Warrington Motorcycle Club who have booked two stands, the Ducati Owners Club who have booked four stands and are attending EventCity in preference to the show they usually attend in April.

    Representing the off-road fraternity are the Manchester Trail Riders and Brian Gray Powerbiking who are bringing the two sidecar outfits that created so much interest last year in the ACU section.

    Previous club display winners, the Manchester Lyons Scooter Club, will be with us once again and, just to top off this eclectic mix of clubs, the Bimota Forum have over 30 display bikes due to attend and we have moved them from a four stand block to stand 300 on the plan in order to accommodate all their bikes.

    Private Enthusiasts

    Eight or so cracking bikes booked in this week including a previous bike of show winner, the Honda CBX belonging to Martin Bevan from Newbury, Berkshire.

    Steven Hughes from Cannock is bringing his amazing custom-painted Honda Goldwing and trailer Steven Hughes and his amazing custom-painted Honda Goldwingand we are delighted to welcome Terry Seagraves who is bringing a 1977 Yamaha RD 700 Kenny Roberts Replica along with a Suzuki GT250 of the same Vintage in showroom condition.

    We are about 60% of the way there with 35 private entries booked in so far so again get your space booked with us.

    Trade Exhibitors

    Always an excellent sign when we hit the 100 individual trade exhibitors with a good eclectic mix of large and small companies. Trade exhibitors who have confirmed this week include LCW wholesale on stands 560 & 561, Hunter Class will be coming up from London on stands 351 & 352, Bike Seal who were very popular with the public at the recent Trade Expo at Stoneleigh and at the NEC in November will be on site 404 just inside the main entrance.

    Advanced Nano Coating (Hybrid X) will be up near the stunt show on 513 and in the same section Steve Brown with his classic motorcycle manuals will be on 549. It is also good to welcome back Steve Batley of Light Commercials who I see at all the shows but the last time they traded with us was at Donington Park over 10 years ago. Many more hovering in the wings, including a couple of big names, so more to follow next week.

    So there we are, adverts gone off this week to MCN and 100% Biker. I have just received an email inviting us to put digital adverts around the Trafford Centre in addition to the ones we place on the big screen so we will see what becomes of these. I also had a meeting at EventCity yesterday with a potential headline sponsor and hope to confirm in next week’s newsletter. On the way into the building from the car park I was talking to a builder from Liverpool who was there to attend the Screwfix Trade Show. I thought it was all a bit quiet in the car park for a show going on and sure enough the show was due to take place on 9th March not 9th February, please don’t make the same mistake with us! We are looking forward to seeing what next week brings as the event moves closer still.

    Andrew Greenwood 





    Manchester Bike Show 2017

  5. 2017 National Championships for Customised Motorcycles

    Posted on

    Sneak preview: some of the Finalists for the 2017 National Championships

    KICKBACK Motorcycle Show is hosting, once again, the Finals of The 2017 National Championships for Customised Motorcycles. There are six categories in this compelling competition featuring some of the finest fabricators, engineers and designers. The categories are: Freestyle, Cafe Racer, Young Builder, Performance Street Custom, Old School Chopper/Bobber and Best Brat/Tracker Style.

    The awards ceremony for the National Champs will take place at 3pm on Sunday 2nd April at KICKBACK at the Stoneleigh Park Expo Centre in Warwickshire. Judging takes place on Saturday 1st April by our distinguished panel.

    Kickback Motorcycle Show