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  1. The No To Bike Parking Fees protest group will be holding a mass protest outside Westminster City Hall on Tuesday March 31st 2009 to call for the scrapping of the tax. The protest, which will be the latest in a series of 9 demonstrations against the scheme, is scheduled to coincide with a meeting of WCC’s scrutiny committee, which is reviewing the scheme. Several thousand protesters are expected to attend from across the UK and as far afield as Ireland and France.
  2. 29th March  - Wirral Egg Run

    The Wirral Egg run is a charity event raising money for sick children which attracts bikers from all over the country and even from continental Europe. The run starts from New Brighton and winds its way around 20 miles of Wirral’s roads terminating at Clatterbridge hospital. (20 miles). Food and Merchandise available.

    We think that the 2009 Wirral Egg Run is the largest event of its kind in Europe. An accurate count of how many bikes take part is very difficult to achieve. Estimates vary, but somewhere between 3,500 and 7,000 bikes take part.

    venue: The Dips, Coastal Drive, New Brighton, CH45 3HL. Leaving at 11:00am - don’t forget the clocks go forward!

    price: Free Event

  3. Paul Holroyd and Mike Palmer are undertaking and epic journey through Europe in aid of UNICEF. Neither rider has actually ridden for approximately 25 years, both are "born again bikers". Having been bitten by the biking bug they committed themselves to this worthy and extraordinary journey in aid of the childrens charity.

    The event has been self funded from the outset. Paul and Mike are only seeking for support in donations for their cause.

    Their web-site has been provided by UNICEF so you can check out their route. You can also sign up to their web-page to wish the guys luck and of course see their progress during their trip.

    Donations can be made online directly to UNICEF.

    John Forreste is the team manager and has provided instructional rider training under the Driving Standards Agency Enhanced Rider Scheme.