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  1. In October 2008, the Royal British Legion Riders Branch (RBLR) came up with the idea to try to break the world record for the largest amount of riders to complete 1,000 miles in less than 24 hours.

    The inaugural event took place from Squires Cafe Nr Leeds on Saturday 20th June 2009. The 1000 miles covered either a Northern Route into Scotland or a Southern Route to take in the West Country. In total the event had 171 finishers which 162 riders and 9 pillions, which would have smashed the world record if the Americans hadn't pipped us to the post first. However the event did break both the European and UK records and so far has raised over £33,000 for the Poppy Appeal. In 2010 we aim to make the event even bigger, raising more for the Poppy Appeal.
    So are you up to the challenge?

    For more information visit

  2. Motorcyclists at the head of a group of riders will face stiffer penalties for speeding under a crown court ruling.

    Being the lead rider in a group is an aggravating factor making you partly responsible for speeding offences of those behind you according to the decision.

    The ruling can be applied in any future cases where two or more motorcyclists riding together are accused of speeding. The head rider might be only a few mph over the limit, but could be given the same penalty as the worst offender behind.

    Road traffic solicitor Robert Dobson said: "Any crown court decision can be stated in future cases. This is potentially a very dangerous judgement for motorcyclists. Riders in a group change position frequently. If you are riding at the front any group at excess speed, then the very fact you're at the front is an aggravating factor."

    Ken Clark, 49, reached 85mph on his Yamaha R1 while leading a group of three riders on the 60mph A272 near Rogate, Sussex, last June. The speed is within the usual threshold for a fixed penalty of three points and a £60 fine. But Chichester Crown Court ruled he should receive the same penalty as a following rider accused of going 103mph.

    Barrister notes on the ruling given to Clark after the hearing state: `Although his was the lesser speed, [the bench] found it an aggravating feature that he was the lead motorcyclist, was setting the pace and he knew that the other two motorcyclists would want to catch him up and would be speeding to do so.'

  3. The Touratech Touring and Adventure Zone is once again proving to be a giant hit with visitors to the UK’s premier two-wheeled event - The 2009 Carole Nash International Motorcycle and Scooter Show, which is running at the Birmingham NEC until Sunday 6th December.

    The expanded Touratech Touring and Adventure Zone has been positioned alongside the major manufacturers in Hall 1, which reflects the continual growth of touring and adventure holidays amongst the biking fraternity. The entire Zone is geared to accommodate numerous exhibitors offering motorcycle tours to varying corners of the globe.

    For those new to holidaying with their bike, the Show offers handy tips, useful advice and trips of a lifetime for the most novice rider. For the touring enthusiast, there are trips on offer to far and away destinations, which even the most intrepid explorer would not have thought about visiting by bike, from Transylvania and the Himalayas to Mount Everest!

    Visitors to the Show over the past weekend have been able to meet and get advice on two-wheeled long distance travel from the face of biking adventure, Show ambassador Charley Boorman. Having recently returned from his latest ‘By Any Means’ journey, Boorman has proved to be a real crowd-puller with fans queuing for his autograph at the Touratech stand over the course of the opening weekend.

    Exhibitors at the Touratech Touring and Adventure Zone include Alpine TT, whose signature trip includes guiding groups through Northern Spain and Portugal, taking in the splendour of the Douro Valley, the hot springs at Chaves and an awesome ride through the Picos de Europas. Tour operator  Compass Expeditions has also received impressive levels of interest for their bespoke bike expeditions to South America, which includes Chile and Argentina, whilst MCi Tours offers sensational biking holidays across Europe, America and New Zealand.

    Touratech UK Managing Director, Nick Plumb , commented: “The popularity of touring on motorcycles has steadily grown. All the touring stands at the Show are vibrant with people who see the biking tour as a fantastic way to travel. Touratech has been inundated with attention and our new Streetline range, which is designed for adventures on road-biased bikes, has received an incredible reception from the public. There’s also been a lot of general interest geared towards motorbikes for longer trips to exotic destinations, proving that riders are wanting to explore further afield.”

    Managing Director of MCi Tours Alistair McFarlane , added: “The Show is proving to be a big success for us. Our FlyRide holidays have attracted an incredible range of interest and we’ve distributed more package brochures than ever before and have even drafted in extra staff to cope with the demand. However, it’s the quality of interest, along with the vast cross-section of people that the adventure market is appealing to that has been so impressive.”

    Finlay McAllan, Managing Director of MCI Exhibitions , said: “The Touratech Touring and Adventure Zone continues to be one of the most popular areas of the Show. We are delighted to have so many companies from this growth area of the industry exhibiting at the NEC.”

    For more information visit

  4. The widely anticipated Calendar, produced by THE BIKER GUIDE is now available for sale through the website.

    It features certain Motorcycle events for 2010, along with 121 Bikers in various forms of undress, all tastefully taken and artfully produced...

    Those who dared to bare (all 121 of them) include members of:

    Northern Harley Club
    Jesters MCC
    The Wrecking Crew
    Unwanted MCC
    Royal Oak Rejects
    Salutation MCC
    Bristol & Avon Roadrunners MCC
    The Royal British Legion Riders Branch

    ... and a few other familiar Bikers from the UK scene including 4 lovely ladies on the front cover!

    "I think it's a fantastic piece of future 'bikers memorabelia' and should be extremely popular amongst bikers, particularly the fun-loving bikers from the UK rally scene."

    Quote from Rick Hulse, NABD Chairman
    Other information

    £1 of every Calendar sold will be donated to NABD

    * Please note there is a limited print run of THE BIKER CALENDAR for the 2010 issue.

    The Calendar is already selling like pints at a Biker Rally, so to avoid disappointment get one now...

    See here:

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