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Get On returns to Motorcycle Live

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Motorcycle Live is back at The NEC, Birmingham from 19-27 November 2011 and the industry’s Get On campaign will once again be offering free two-wheel taster sessions to novice and born-again bikers. For visitors with no experience at all – or even those who have spent some time away and want to get back into biking – the Get On arena should be the first port of call.
Occupying a secure area in hall 4 for the duration of the nine-day event, Get On will be offering riders over the age of 16 the chance to take part in a 20-minute taster session. Visitors can choose from a range of scooters and motorcycles provided by supporting manufacturers – and there will also be the option of electric scooters for eco-friendly future riders.
All safety equipment will be provided and a fully qualified instructor will give a one-on-one briefing ahead of each session. Participants will then be introduced to the basics of biking as they ride a short and simple course to get a feel for life on two wheels. The Get On arena is always a popular attraction at Motorcycle Live and while walk-up appointments will be available, it is also possible to pre-book via Simply enter the postcode for the The NEC (B40 1NT) in the ‘Book a free ride’ section and select Motorcycle Live as a training location.
Having completed a taster session, participants can then find out everything they need to know about biking at the UK’s biggest interactive motorcycle show. Everything from where to do a CBT and how to get a full licence, to buying that first bike and getting kitted out and insured… Motorcycle Live offers it all. It is the best place to experience not only the practical elements of motorcycling, but also discover the freedom, fun and flexibility that life on two wheels brings.
Children as young as five can also enjoy a free taster session with My First Honda Licence, which is designed to introduce aspiring young riders to motorcycling in a safe, controlled environment. They will be guided around a specially constructed street scene before receiving their very own printed mock-up licence – and as with every live feature at Motorcycle Live, it’s all completely free!
The ticket price for Motorcycle Live 2011 is completely all-inclusive, meaning visitors can enjoy everything the show has to offer at no extra cost. Tickets are £16 in advance* for adults, £10 for seniors, £6 for children aged 6-16 and  kids under five accompanied by a paying adult go free. Visit or call 0844 5812345. Visit or follow @motorcyclelive on Twitter
For more information about the Get On campaign visit – a one-stop shop of biking information. Get On is brought to you by the leading motorcycle manufacturers, dealers and other companies in the market, through the Motorcycle Industry Association (MCIA).

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