Wootton Bassett update
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A massive thanks to everybody who attended the Wootton Bassett bike ride, the total at the time of writing is
£102,297.80 and rising daily. Special recognition must be given to Julia Stevenson for all her organisational skills and time in the co-ordination of what must be the event of 2010.
Clearly an occasion such as the Mothering Sunday ride warrants numerous accolades and we will name a few, however please be assured that the day couldn't have been so memorable without everybody's input and attendance. It was a ride made by the people for the people.
Bike Ride DVD
On 14th March over
14,000 motorcycles assembled at Hullavington Airfield in support of Afghan Heroes. The spirit of the event and the following historic bike ride through Wootton Bassett has been captured on a DVD which is on sale to raise funds for the charity. So if you were there, why not grab yourself a souvenir and possibly see yourself on the telly!
These are available for sale now in the
Afghan Heroes shop at a cost of just £5
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