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Manchester Bike Show 3rd - 4th April

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An action packed high-octane show with everything you would expect and more from the greatest regional bike show. Heart-stopping stunt displays, the dynamic Indoor Freestyle Arena, a host of dealer and trade stands, as well as dealer approved used bikes and a classic bike and classic scooter display.
  • The skills of motorcycle trials riders like Steve Colley have to be seen to be believed. He and his rivals can do things with motorcycles that we mere mortals would consider impossible.
  • Vertical Trix Stunt Team and their wheelie machine
  • Dealers including Williams BMW, Hunts, Manchester Ducati, Philiph Youles and more...
  • Nick Sanders, the round the World rider brings you his amazing tented cinema
  • Rider training and skills brought to you by Honda & Ride Safe Back Safe
  • Outdoor Rider Training Feature by Stockport School of Motorcycling
  • Custom and Extreme Performance Corner - Another high impact feature is in the form of a Custom and Extreme Performance Corner. Displaying all that is weird and wonderful in the world of modified motorcycles, from mildly tweaked production bikes to bespoke machines that are engineered in every way imaginable.
Back by popular demand

Extreme Globe Riders - This show is a spectacular and absolutely heart stopping performance where you will experience the thrill of danger, along with great effects and commentary. The riders reach over 5 G and cross each
other with speed over 70 km/h.

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