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‘Rock & Ride!’ Planet Rock RADIO Announced as Media Partner for the Classic Motorcycle Mechanics Show sponsored by Carole Nash.

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The famous event, held at Stafford County Showground, over the 12-13th October 2024 is the number one classic motorcycling event in the world. With thousands of bikes on display, live stunts, the famous Bonhams auction and World Champions Carl Fogarty and Frankie Chili as star guests -  the show attracts thousands of visitors from across Europe.

"We are incredibly excited to partner with Planet Rock for this year's October Stafford Show," said Nigel Hole, Event Director, "Their dedication to classic rock and its culture aligns perfectly with our passion for classic motorcycles. We look forward to bringing their listeners closer to the action at the show and sharing the excitement of it with them."

Planet Rock, the UK’s leading classic rock radio station, is renowned for its passion for music and its dedicated community of listeners. As the official media partner, Planet Rock will bring its unique energy and enthusiasm to the show, providing exclusive coverage, interviews and promotions, plus behind-the-scene guest content to its audience.

Planet Rock's Head of Marketing, Jon Norman said: "Bikes and Rock music go hand in hand, so to be media partner to “The Classic Motorcycle Mechanics Show, sponsored by Carole Nash, is a perfect partnership.”
Planet Rock Radio Announced as Media Partner for the Classic Motorcycle Mec

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