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Bad news first: on one side, Marc Marquez crashes out of the encounter at turn two after having completed only one lap of the sprint race, on the other Alex Marquez finishes eighth following a three-second penalty due to exceeding track limits (and not carrying out the long-lap penalty).
Now, the good news: Marc is uninjured after what was after all a high-speed crash, while Alex spent most of the encounter in the top 5 while showing excellent pace. His fourth place on the grid and his brother’s seventh position still bode well for a much more encouraging Sunday. 

8th - ALEX MARQUEZ #73
“With two laps less, it could have been a whole different result. Joking aside, we struggled a bit towards the end with the rear tyre, but on the other hand we gathered some useful information on the front hard tyre which are important ahead of the full race. Now we need to do some fine tuning and tomorrow we’ll be capable of battling for the top five.”
“It’s never good to make a mistake and crash. The positive note is that I could have hurt myself and that didn’t happen – and I mean especially this morning at turn seven. Too bad for the race because the feeling with the bike was excellent and now we need to get it back during warm up.”


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