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Classic Motorcycle Day at Crich Tramway Village

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This year’s ‘Classic Motorcycle Day’ at Crich Tramway Village will be the sixth event for the partnership with the Vincent HRD Owners Club and with sponsorship from Derwent Waste Management.

The event attracts around 300 motorcycles, made up of vintage machines to relatively modern machines of the1990’s, all of which must be over 25yrs old.

The Moonshiners will supply live music at the bandstand during the afternoon and there are numerous trophies for the best motorcycles judged by expert judges, including Best Original Motorcycle with trophy supplied by Old Bike Mart.

The ‘Best in Show’ Trophy will, again, be voted for by the visiting public, who are encouraged to browse the whole display before making their selection.

Entry to the event is free for riders of classic motorcycles and scooters who pre-book but is limited to 350 motorcycles and we regret that bookings cannot be made on the day of the event. You can book your bike in for display online at

Vincent HRD Owners Club organiser, Jon Lambley said:

“Many of the classic motorcycle owners consider this event to be one of the most important in the year, and we hope that everyone will enjoy this year’s display and vote for their favourite machine. It is important to book your motorcycle in for display in advance as places are limited, due to the popularity of the event and many riders returning year after year. We already have over 250 motorcycles booked in”.

For further information visit:

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