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Eisenberg swaps Pendine for PIZZA!

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MADMAX Pizza official launch: Tuesday 21 July 2020, for prosecco and pizza at 12 noon
Mayor of Richmond Cllr Geoff Acton to officially open at 12.30pm
New adventure for record-breaking motorcyclist Zef Eisenberg
MADMAX record-breaking jet turbine motorbike will be on display

Zef Eisenberg has never been one to back down from a challenge. The founder of the MADMAX Race Team currently holds more than 50 British, World, ACU, FIM and Guinness speed records, and is the only person to break the 200mph barrier on sand with both a motorcycle and a car.

With lockdown having curtailed nearly all forms of racing and testing, he has diverted his energy to his next greatest passion food and in this case PIZZA, but no ordinary pizza, this will be MADMAX Pizza!

The first MADMAX Pizza restaurant will be hosting a launch event on Tuesday 21 July in Eisenberg’s hometown of Richmond in south-west London. The all-Italian team is supported by local celebrity Italian Chef Stefano Bergamin, creator of BACCO and head pizza chef Valentino (sorry not the Valentino Rossi) –who is a master of the Neapolitan thin-crust style, and who is passionate about delivering the best authentic Italian pizzas, using a traditional family recipe and fresh, home made dough and tomato sauces, made on the premises with the freshest ingredients.

As you’d expect from the man behind ‘Eisenberg Racing’ – a specialised engineering team that works with the best to develop some of the world’s most extreme and powerful motorbikes and cars – no stone is being left unturned in his quest for the perfect pizza. That ethos covers everything from super, fresh toppings, as well as the creation of an incredible gluten-free pizza base, a feat rarely achieved.

“We’ve proud of our experienced Italian pizza chef,” said Eisenberg, “and the same passion, quality and excellence will go into our food as goes into our racing and record-breaking. We’re using a real stone and real fire pizza oven, with a goal to make, ‘the best pizzas you’ve ever tasted, and once the model is perfected, we will look to roll out more stores”.


Tuesday 21 July 2020, 12 noon
Walk out of Richmond Station, turn right, 50 metres down is;
MADMAX Pizza - 7 Kew Rd, Richmond TW9 2ND

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