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The Legendary Harley-Davidson in the City Motorcycle Festival... Keeping the thunder alive!

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2019 Festival Venue & Date Change

The 2018 event was one of the most successful festivals ever held in Brechin, with approximately over 18,000 visitors over the entire weekend, as well as over 750 motorcycles of all types in attendance.

It was the popularity of the event this year which required the Event Management Team to look at public safety, site capacity, traffic management and the general disruption the event caused to retailers and residents in the town centre during the Saturday element of the festival, with the Sunday element located on River Street for the first time, and feedback from residents was very positive.

The Management Team has a duty of responsibility to ensure as far as is reasonable, the event is safe for all, and taking into consideration feedback from traders, the public and businesses in the town centre, the town centre location had reached capacity with no options to expand the festival site further.

So after 7 years of being in the town centre, it has been decided to change the location of the event within Brechin. This decision was not taken lightly, and was done after consultation with Police Scotland, Angus Council and other relevant parties.

From 2019, the festival in its entirety will be located in the River Street area, as this has the capacity to accommodate all elements, with the camping and caravan facilities nearby, as well as good parking facilities for visitors and ease of access for disabled. It was also felt that the relocation of the event would enhance awareness of this scenic area of the town, and accommodate future growth of more motorcycles, traders and visitors attending Brechin.

The weekend long event has continued to grow in popularity, with the 40+ mile ‘Thunder Run’ one of the main attractions on the Saturday. Starting from Brechin Castle with the support of Lord Dalhousie, before riding through the town and touring Angus and returning to Brechin. There are no plans to change this element of the festival. Having successfully avoided clashing with other major events in Angus for the last few years, the festival was advised it would clash with the Glamis Extravaganza for the next few years if the proposed dates were left unchanged.

Therefore, following discussions with Police Scotland, Angus Council and Event Scotland, the HDITC Festival will now be held on the weekend incorporating the first Sunday in July going forward.

So for 2019, the event will be on the 6th & 7th July, in 2020 on the 4th & 5th July, and in 2021 on the 3rd & 4th July.

The Legendary Harley-Davidson in the City Motorcycle Festival

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