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Me and a friend decided to do a road trip loop from San Francisco to Las Vegas...

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This was taken in June 2017, as me and a friend decided to do a road trip loop from San Francisco to Las Vegas... Gary Green, getting ready for a week long road trip in San Francisco to Las

We hired these Indian chieftain vintages, amazing bikes. They were absolutely brand new, only 20 miles on the clock when we got our hands on them. After 6 day’s of riding we clocked up 1600 miles.

We rode through temperatures of 120oC in Death Valley and through mountains of 7000ft with 20 foot snow drifts in the white mountains. 

These machines were absolutely perfect, never missed a beat!

We were very impressed with the biking community in the states, guys and gals, young and old were always happy to stop and talk. Just chat for ages talking about bikes and roads both in the states and back home in the UK. 

Gary Green

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