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    Posted on

    After fifteen years of campaigning for national bus lane use, the BMF is urging motorcyclists to speak up and be counted in support of the hard-fought right to use bus lanes in London. 

    While motorcyclists have quickly taken up bus lane use in London, compared to the actions of London cyclist campaign groups opposed to sharing bus lanes, not enough riders are responding to the Transport for London on-line survey and saying how safe and convenient bus lane use is.

    The BMF is now urging all motorcycle users to add their comments to the TfL survey

    This is important because Transport for London’s bus lane use is undergoing an 18 month trial and they have apparently already received large numbers of submissions from cyclists opposed to motorcyclists using bus lanes. User’s views and their numbers will count so motorcyclists need to get involved say the BMF.

    With a strong cyclists’ lobby orchestrating a campaign against such use, motorcyclists could lose the scheme at the end of the 18 month period unless the motorcycle world demonstrates widespread support for the measure - particularly those motorcyclists from London and the South East.

    To those outside London, the BMF say that the TfL scheme is being keenly watched by other towns and cities and failure of the scheme in London will dash hopes of gaining motorcycle use of bus lanes elsewhere.

    Visit the TfL 'user views' website and complete the response form now

    Note: Bristol has operated a permanent bus lane access since 1996 and Reading since 1999. Other sites are in: Northern Ireland, Birmingham, Colchester, Derby, Bath, Hull, Plymouth, Swindon, Sheffield, Richmond on Thames, Newcastle on Tyne, Sunderland and the M4 bus lane. Still being trialled in London are the Finchley Road (A41) at St John's Wood to Hampstead, the A23 to the South and A13 to the East.


    Posted on

    It is with huge regret that Big D's will be closing on Sunday 8th February.

    Due to mounting debt that in the current financial climate that no-one is willing to wait for.

    All memorabilia both within the pub and outside, including the 8ft Alien, will be auctioned off on Sunday 8th February @ 4pm.

    The Biking community will be very sad to see Big D's close and wish Big D and Rosie all the best for the future.