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Category: Events and Shows

  1. Report from a winner of tickets to the Prescott Bike Fest 2015

    Posted on

    Many many thanks for the free tickets to the the Prescott Bike Fest 2015. We had a lovely day out, even though the Missus was stuck in a wheelchair due to Gall Stones! Not pleasant. We were treated to fresh, yet fine and sunny weather, so that made all the difference.

    Never attended a race rally before so we were intrigued by the rules, track and procedure. Brilliant atmosphere! Great to see lots of different bikes and 3 wheelers competing to win the race. Sport bikes, racers and even a couple of FS1E's. A replica of the Shuttleworth TT racer ( George Formby) was there. Sadly no photo..

    Charlie Boorman, Prescott Bike Fest 2015Managed to see Charlie Boorman being interviewed. He intimated that he would be doing a survival/TV reality show soon, but definitely NOT the Jungle ( cannot possibly repeat his story of penis' and balls!!!)... sort of guessed at the Bear Grylls, but who knows.

    Only managed to take a few snaps for you. Linda insisted on the one next to the Club House sign!  

    The event was well attended and I can only guess at being successful. The only negative was that the venue was not very "disabled" friendly. It was a rough terrain to push a manual wheelchair!  However, all in all, worth the 220 mile round trip.

    Our next biking adventure is to visit the Harley Rally at Faaker Am See in Austria, September 2015, which looks like 2,200 mile.  Pete Gentry, Prescott Bike Fest 2015

    Once again, thanks for the tickets, and the new edition of the Handbook - proudly displayed... An excellent need to have book.

    All the very best

    Pete and Linda.

    Prescott Bike Fest 2015

  2. Organisers are gearing up for this weekend’s big biker event

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    This weekend, thousands of bikers will gather in the Midlands for one of the biggest biking events in the country.  Taking place on Sunday 26th April the Bike4Life Ride Out and Festival has attracted riders from across the UK as far as Aberdeen and even some international riders from the likes of Frankfurt and Illinois in the USA, all signed up to be part of the day.

    With three days still to go, advance registrations are at their highest level ever, with almost 3,000 riders signed up to take part in the mass ride out from Meole Brace, Shrewsbury to the Royal Air Force Museum Cosford.  Bikers will gather at Meole Brace park and ride, Shrewsbury from 9am on Sunday and will depart en masse at 11.30am.  Leading the Ride Out this year is current King of the Jungle and seven times World Superbike Champion Carl Fogarty and TV Presenter Richard Hammond. Carl and Richard will be joined at the front of the Ride Out by the Emergency Bikers Flymo and Forrest and a lucky competition winner.

    Bike4Life Ride Out, M54The Ride Out will travel along the M54 motorway and arrive at the Royal Air Force Museum Cosford around 12.15pm.  To ensure that bikers are kept safe and disruption to other motorists is kept to a minimum, a traffic management system is in place allowing bikers to travel en masse along the M54.  Staggered closures at junctions will be in place as the Ride Out approaches and junctions will re-open again as soon as the bikers have passed. 

    Upon arrival at the Museum, bikers will park on the airfield at RAF Cosford and will join thousands of fellow bikers and members of the public at the Festival.  Festival goers will enjoy an afternoon of entertainment including arena displays, demonstrations and activities sponsored by some of the biggest names in the biking world.  A highlight for everyone attending the Festival will be a flypast from the Battle of Britain Memorial Flight Spitfire scheduled for 2.45pm (weather permitting). 

    Plus, Carl Fogarty will be taking part in a live Q&A on stage and visitors will have the chance to meet and greet the racing champ.  With live performances from Good Companions, Skam, Cairo Son, FireRoad and Redline on the Planet Rock stage between 12noon and 4.00pm, the atmosphere is sure to be electric!

    Entry to the Festival is free of charge with all donations on the day going towards the Midlands Air Ambulance Charity.  Throughout the event, festival goers will have exclusive access to two of the Midlands Air Ambulance Charity’s EC135 air ambulance helicopters and have the chance to meet the crew.  The event, which is partnered with RAF Museum Cosford and the Safer Roads Partnership, aims to raise awareness of biker safety and bikers are encourage to head to the safety zone on the day to find out more.

    So, if you’re a biker and you’re not already registered, why not be a part of this fun charity Ride Out and sign up today, with places limited to 3,500 on the ride out, sign up now to avoid disappointment! Bikers wishing to participate in the Ride Out must have a full licence as the route to the Museum will travel along the M54 motorway.  The festival will be open from 10:00am to 4:00pm and visitors of all ages, not just bikers are encouraged to come along. For more information on Bike4Life Festival or to register for the Ride Out please visit £5 per bike and spaces are limited. 

    Keep up to date with the latest news and event information by following us on Facebook – Bike4LifeFest or on Twitter @Bike4LifeFest. 

  3. Soldiering On Through Life Trust - The raffle winners are...

    Posted on

    Thank you to everyone who supported Soldiering On Through Life Trust by buying raffle tickets!

    The draw took place on Saturday 18th April at the Awards Ceremony and Gala Dinner. Singer and songwriter Antony Costa drew the winners and the winning tickets are now available on the website

    Everyone who has won will be contacted over the next few days to confirm addresses for posting or arrangements for delivery of larger prizes.

    Congratulations to all the lucky winners!

    Soldiering On Through Life Trust, Supporting our Military Heroes throughout

    THE BIKER GUIDE is an official media partner for Soldiering On Through Life Trust, to help raise awareness of the organisation to the Motorcycle community.

    In its partnership role, THE BIKER GUIDE has supported the media needs of the charity, to the Motorcycle community, as well as promoting this fantastic raffle, where the 1st prize was a Triumph Bonneville.

  4. Prescott Bike Festival - the Biggest and Best

    Posted on

    Message from Prescott Bike Festival...

    A massive thank you to all our visitors who turned up in their thousands, the sun shone and we had a great day. Hopefully you were able to join us.

    The website has been updated with the link to this year's official photographs and the video is being edited right now!

    You can still purchase our limited edition Prescott Bike Fest T-Shirt from Oily Rag Clothing but there's only a few left.

    Onwards and upwards and we're now looking forward to our very first Shelsley Bike Festival on September 13th; Run the Hill entries are already 50% sold! You can book tickets for that here.

    Thank you all for your supporting 'Blood Bikes's'