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Category: Events and Shows

  1. WHAT'S ON this week...

    Posted on

    Harley-Davidson Sportster at 60 Celebration
    St Ives Festival of Motorcycles
    Goodwood Festival of Speed
    Summer Solstice Rock Fest
    Romney March Classic Motorcycle Show & Bikejumble
    Cock O'The North Continental Road Races
    Wildfire Festival
    Bikerdown London
    West Cornwall Motor Show
    Herefordshire on the Edge
    All Day Triton & Cafe Racer Day @ Ace Cafe
    Big Bike Sunday
    Wessex Ale and Cider Fest
    Cassington Bike Night 
    Lincolnshire Show
    Summer Solstice Rally
    The Riders Rally
    Husbands Bosworth Festival
    Rainbow Summer Solstice Festival
    Meriden Motorcycle Megaride

    See more details (and more events) on the main WHAT'S ON section for June

  2. Ride to Work Week starts Monday 19th June

    Posted on

    What would happen to congestion, parking problems and the stress levels of drivers if just 10% of people switched to a motorcycle or scooter?

    If just 10% of motorists swapped their car for a motorcycle or scooter, there could be huge benefits for all road users.  These include 20% more parking spaces, a 40% reduction in congestion for all road users and a reduction in the financial impact of congestion. 

    Wear and tear on roads would be less, rider safety would improve and importantly – 10% less car drivers would be miserable!

    40% reduction for all

    A Belgian study, which modelled the traffic for one of Europe’s most congested roads, found that if 10% of motorists swapped their car for a motorcycle, scooter or moped, then congestion was reduced for all road users by 40%. When 25% of drivers swapped, congestion was eliminated altogether. [Ref 1]

    More people could park

    Three motorcycles or scooters can fit into the same space one car takes.  This means if just 10% of car spaces were given over to riders, then 20% more people would be able to park.  The National Travel Survey shows that 87% of car commuters drive to work alone, so there is huge capacity to increase the number of spaces available to people who swap to a motorcycle or scooter. [Ref 2]

    10% less stressed commuters

    Motorcyclists generally report higher levels of happiness in surveys about commuting and this was confirmed in a one-off survey by the Office for National Statistics.  It found that riding a motorcycle, moped or scooter had no negative impact on journeys of up to half an hour and after that it was negligible.  This was in contrast to users of most other modes of private and public transport. [Ref 3]  

    Knock on cost benefits

    There are many calculations estimating the cost of congestion to the UK economy.   The INRIX Global Traffic Scorecard recently calculated this to be around £30 billion a year.  This would naturally reduce if congestion was cut by 40%. [Ref 4]   Road maintenance would reduce too, as motorcycles and scooters are lighter than cars and vans, so impact less on road surfaces.

    Gain four days holiday a year

    According to the most recent INRIX Scorecard, UK drivers spend an average of 32 hours a year in traffic jams. 

    Steve Kenward, CEO of the Motorcycle Industry Association, which organises Ride to Work Week, says a driver could gain the equivalent of an extra four days holiday a year, if they switched to a motorcycle or scooter:

    “Motorcyclists and scooter riders don’t waste 32 hours a year watching the bumper of the car in front, as they can filter.  This means they tend to move through congested traffic at the same rate you would expect to move through free-flowing traffic.  

    “32 hours is the equivalent of four working days, which equates to an extra four days holiday each year.  No wonder riders are the happiest commuters!”[Ref 5]

    Try for free

    Try a motorcycle or scooter for free with a qualified instructor at a Get On event. They are held throughout the year across the UK. 

    Find out if there is one near you.

    Ride to Work Week

  3. Insurers offer free commuter cover during Ride to Work Week - 19th June to Friday 23rd June 2017

    Posted on

    Major motorcycle insurers to offer free commuter cover during Ride to Work Week Insurers offer free commuter cover during Ride to Work Week

    Motorcycle insurers Ageas, Bennetts, Bikesure*, Harley-Davidson Insurance Services and Carole Nash are all offering free commuter cover to leisure riders, so that they can ride to work during national Ride to Work Week from Monday 19th June to Friday 23rd June 2017.

    Ride to Work Week campaign manager Stevie Muir says: “We are delighted these companies are encouraging leisure riders to try commuting on their bikes during Ride to Work Week, by extending their cover. Around two-thirds of motorcyclists only opt for social and domestic cover and so are missing out on the huge benefits of commuting on their bikes.  These include saving time, money and enjoying easier parking.  Regular commuters are also likely to become more skilled road users and the best reason of all is that it’s just more fun!”

    The campaign slogan #commutehappy is backed up by fact.  Motorcyclists are among the happiest commuters according to a one off survey by the Office for National Statistics. It revealed that riding a motorcycle, moped or scooter had no negative impact on well-being on commutes up to 30 minutes and after that it was negligible.  This was in contrast to those who walked, cycled, took the bus or drove, who all experienced a dip in well-being after just 15 minutes.

    Campaign hi-viz vests are available for free for those organising their own workplace events (subject to availability), which can be ordered by contacting the team [email protected]

    *if a Bikesure policyholder with Ageas, Markerstudy or Highway


    Ride to Work Week - bikers break

  4. WHAT'S ON this week...

    Posted on

    WHAT'S ON this week....
    Scatter Challenge
    Motorcycling through the Ages -  opened by Sammy Miller MBE
    VMCC Banbury Run -  British Motor Museum
    Globe MCC Bike Show
    Open Mic with Andy Brewster @ The Buck Inn, Yorkshire
    The Farmyard Party
    Haynes Bikers Breakfast Ride-in
    Scottish Classic Motorcycle Show
    Scorton Steam
    HRGM Annual Fathers Day Charity Ride
    Barnstormer Rally
    Steam Day and Motorcycle Ride In
    5CMCC Open Day
    Dr B's Custom & Classic Bike Show
    See more details (and more events) on the main WHAT'S ON section for June