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Dates confirmed for Motorcycle Live 2021, in association with Bikesure Insurance

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The UK’s biggest motorcycle show, Motorcycle Live in association with Bikesure Insurance, plans to be back better than ever in 2021, with dates now confirmed as 4-12 December,  at the NEC, Birmingham.  

To have the date confirmed in the midst of such uncertainty, underlines the show’s commitment to returning to not only a physical show, but one where the halls of The NEC are brimming with entertainment, interaction, manufacturers, retailers and motorcycles of all shapes, ages, engine types and sizes.

The halls will house regular interactive features and displays along with brand new entertainment to give a full and fantastic day out to visitors.

With the pandemic having cast a cloud over the UK for so long, organisers are keen to give two wheel fans something to look forward to, whilst ensuring the event is safe for all.

By bringing together the very best of the industry under one roof, where people can interact face-to-face and see, touch, feel and hear, in person, rather than just digitally, will give a welcomed return to ‘social’. And whilst biking brings many mental health benefits, meeting your friends and family, and sharing your passion will no doubt be a much-needed boost for many.

“We’re excited to welcome visitors back to The NEC, for what is already shaping up to be a fantastic show.  To be able to offer something to look forward to will see us end the year on a high – where once again two wheel fans can be together to soak up the first major show in the UK for two years.  The 2021 event promises a real treat - something everyone deserves.” said Finlay McAllan, Managing Director of Motorcycle Live. 

Tickets will go on sale later in the year.  

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