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Yorkshire MAG - Full Into The Valley Line-up

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Into The Valley 2018 - 4th to the 6th of May

Well, here are again for the start of another exciting rally season - Into The Valley is the first rally for Yorkshire MAG and we are expecting to have a great event. We will be starting early on Friday, as we did last year, so please join us for a few early afternoon and relaxing beers (or ciders) that have been hand crafted by the Yorkshire Brewing Company - all at a reasonable prices once again.

We have some excellent bands and comedians lined up for you. Early afternoons will have DJs and our very special friend Scott Dangleberry who you all know from previous rallies and especially from Yorkshire Pudding - the man is off the scale! Gunlaw will headline Friday night in the main stage whilst Old's Cool will headline on Saturday, with other bands, such as Glamrockz and Beckwater Bushwackers providing variety for everyone's tastes and fancies.

On Saturday, the Smacked Arse Comedy Show will bring you a number of outstanding comedians, with the well known headline act Chris Lynam offering some wacky and far out laughs to keep you all smiling.

Last year we relocated Into The Valley to Sledmere following 2016's inclement weather where many of our regular customers were not able to get to the event in South Dalton putting the rally in a financial predicament with no return of funds from this event to MAG UK. The decision to relocate was well made, with excellent feedback from our customers. OK - there were a few teething problems, as we would do with any other site, but we have planned and taken extra measures to prevent these issues reoccurring so that this year's rally is even better!

Firstly, we have increased the camping space available to customers - an extra large field will be available and marshals will ensure camp areas are not cramped as they were last year. Of course, with walled camp areas, people will not suffer unnecessarily from any inclement weather that may come our way. 


Secondly, more heaters in the main arena - just to keep you even more toasty.


Thirdly, more site security and a look out station will be erected. Last year's thefts were disappointing but we are not the only ones to experience this petty crime over the past five or so years, with other rallies and events being targeted. You can rest assured that we will do our utmost to prevent further thefts.


This rally will now be pre-book only with a limited about of tickets sold on a first come first served basis.


To the continued success of Into The Valley


Pete Walker 


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