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Category: Charity

  1. Breast Way Round

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    Currently organising for a 3rd year and up to date have raised a total of around £65,000 for Macmillan Cancer support.

    History from Shirley Ann, event coordinator

    I began organising this event back in 2008 when my best friend, Allison became quite poorly with breast cancer, she had inspired me to learn to ride a bike when I was at a very low point in my life. I felt that if I could organise a small group of women to read the west coast of Scotland and raise money from your income to support there would be giving something back and also inspiring women to go further and perhaps they would have dared.

    The Scottish ride is now becoming very well-known, as we have branded the run with pink. We have a total of 100 bikers predominantly women who wear high visibility pink vests and Mohicans on the helmets.

    We have a small number of men take part in a fabulous way, as they all wear decorated bras over their leathers and the best bra is judged when we finish in George Square in Glasgow, the prize being an Aira helmet... so they are in their sheds as we speak, engineering the most amazing bras.

    We have great fun, we make many friends, we raise a lot of money, and we want more to know about us. This years event takes place on the 28th to 31st May and the route takes you around the west coast of Scotland.

  2. BIKERS! Are you tough enough to ride 1000 miles in 24 hours

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    In October 2008, the Royal British Legion Riders Branch (RBLR) came up with the idea to try to break the world record for the largest amount of riders to complete 1,000 miles in less than 24 hours.

    The inaugural event took place from Squires Cafe Nr Leeds on Saturday 20th June 2009. The 1000 miles covered either a Northern Route into Scotland or a Southern Route to take in the West Country. In total the event had 171 finishers which 162 riders and 9 pillions, which would have smashed the world record if the Americans hadn't pipped us to the post first. However the event did break both the European and UK records and so far has raised over £33,000 for the Poppy Appeal. In 2010 we aim to make the event even bigger, raising more for the Poppy Appeal.
    So are you up to the challenge?

    For more information visit

  3. Plymouth L-plate biker to ride to John O’Groats & back for diabetes

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    Plymouth man Stuart Morrisey, 48, a.k.a. ‘Madrider 1961’ is to ride from Plymouth to John O’Groats and back around the August Bank Holiday in aid of leading health charity Diabetes UK, even though he still hasn’t passed his test!

    Setting off on Thursday 27 August, riding his Honda CG125cc motorcycle with L-plates and using only ‘A’ and ‘B’ roads, he will set off from Derriford Hospital, Plymouth to Carlisle, on to John O’Groats, back through Inverness, and then on through the Midlands to Land’s End and back home to Plymouth for Sunday 30th August 2009.

    Unfortunately, in June 2009 Stuart had to abort his return charity ride from Land’s End to John O’Groats just north of Perth in Scotland due to unforeseen circumstances. Not one to be defeated, Stuart, who has been riding motorcycles since 1993 and who rides with two slipped discs and a damaged vertebra, was determined to undertake a re-run on a solo basis.

    “You may ask ‘why Diabetes UK?’ The answer is simple, 'Honeymonster'! - a fellow biker and great friend of mine has diabetes and it was quite a shock when he was diagnosed, not only to him but to his friends as well”, said Stuart.

    “I’m a firm believer in helping those who are in a worse position than I am, and although I experience pain on a daily basis, I really enjoy the challenge of raising funds for worthwhile charities.”

    Always foremost in Stuart’s mind when he arranges these charity rides is safety. He is always happy for other riders to join him whether it is for only a few miles or for a bigger section of his route, which inevitably brings in a ‘coffee-stop’, a chat and a chance to get the camera out for a few impromptu photos.

    Stuart started raising money for charity in 2004 riding from Plymouth to Bolton and back in just 48 hours. 2005 saw him ride solo around England for five days for the Royal National Lifeboat Institution, visiting as many RNLI stations on route as possible, raising just under £4,000 and riding almost 2,000 miles.

    Diabetes UK South West Manager Jan Tyrrell said: “We are delighted Stuart has decided to dedicate this ride to raising funds to help and support the ever-increasing numbers of people with diabetes across the South West and the rest of the UK.

    “Fundraising events such as Stuart’s are crucial in enabling us to maintain our commitment to improving the lives of the 200,000 people in the South West living with diabetes. The condition is becoming more and more prevalent, now affecting three million people in the UK and almost 30,000 in Devon alone.

    “We wish him a safe ride and look forward to meeting him back in Plymouth on August 30.”

    Still riding on L-plates, Stuart has promised that when he has completed his ride that he will take his test. Stuart has a group of 100 (he’s hoping more) bikers meeting him at Land’s End at lunchtime on 30 August and they will ride the final leg with him back to Derriford Hospital, Plymouth.

    Stuart will also be presented with an award for ‘Outstanding thing done on a Motorbike for 2008’ upon his return. He received this award in 2007 and is hoping that this ride will also gain him the title for 2009 - if he achieves this he will be the world record holder.

    Stuart’s target is to raise £2,000 for Diabetes UK and can be sponsored via his ‘Justgiving’ site @:

    Further information on Stuart’s charity rides can be found on his website at

    To find out if you are at risk of diabetes visit:
  4. Bikers ‘do it’ for Air Ambulance Charity

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    The Devon Air Ambulance Trust’s annual motorcycle ride out is set to take to the beautiful country lanes of Devon on Sunday 12th July.

    This year however it’s a ride out with a twist, with 3 starting points, but only one finish.

    Riders can choose to start from Coypool Park & Ride in Plympton, Cullompton Services or Atlantic Village, Bideford, with an amalgamated finish at Paignton Green. At Paignton Green there will be trade and exhibition stands, catering vans, together with live music from ‘Thick as Thieves’ and ‘Fizgig’.

    Caroline Creer, Fundraising Director of the Devon Air Ambulance Trust said ‘We always look forward to our annual motorcycle ride as its a great opportunity to meet all the keen bikers, who are also supporting the charity. They recognise the essential service that the charity provides, as unfortunately we do regularly get called out to their fellow bikers.’

    She added ‘This event isn’t just open to motorcyclists, we have people taking part on scooters, mopeds, trikes, to name just a few. Please come along and support this event and make it the biggest and best yet. We are ideally hoping for 500+ bikes and hope that by having 3 starting points this will will encourage more people to take part.

    ‘Even if you aren’t a biker, why not come along to Paignton Green as there is lots for all the family, plus the two bands performing are fantastic!’

    Safety is paramount for bikers when out and about. Therefore the charity is also pleased to welcome 5 officers from the Devon & Cornwall Constabulary bike wing, who will be taking part in the ride. The routes are all marshalled, ensuring that everyone goes the right way.

    Trade stands include the Road Safety Partnership, Police Exhibition Unit, Police Speed Enforcement motorcycle plus many more.

    Trophies will be awarded for the Best British Bike, Best Modern Bike, and Best In Show.

    The ride out will start at 10am, with registration on the day available from 9am. Entry is just £5 per bike, which includes a limited edition pin badge. However you can pre register and also purchase a limited edition t-shirt at just £7. T-shirts and badges are also available to pillion riders at £7.

    Entry forms are available at

  5. UNICEF Charity Ride June 2009 . 14 Countries - 18 days - 2 Riders and 5500 Miles

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    Paul Holroyd and Mike Palmer are undertaking and epic journey through Europe in aid of UNICEF. Neither rider has actually ridden for approximately 25 years, both are "born again bikers". Having been bitten by the biking bug they committed themselves to this worthy and extraordinary journey in aid of the childrens charity.

    The event has been self funded from the outset. Paul and Mike are only seeking for support in donations for their cause.

    Their web-site has been provided by UNICEF so you can check out their route. You can also sign up to their web-page to wish the guys luck and of course see their progress during their trip.

    Donations can be made online directly to UNICEF.

    John Forreste is the team manager and has provided instructional rider training under the Driving Standards Agency Enhanced Rider Scheme.